When I originally posted about our cloth diapering adventures I mentioned how much I disliked our BumGenius diapers. By far they are my least favorite of the brands we own. This is mainly because of the velcro closure. The velcro lasted about 9-12 months before it just wouldn't hold. Not to mention that Davis had figured out how to pull it apart. We had resorted to using these at nighttime with a snappy. Though to be honest I really even hated using them them, they had become to cumbersome and annoying to me.
See how the velcro won't stay down? ANNOYING!
Finally I had had enough of these diapers and was nearly to the point of just throwing them out. But the more I thought about it the more I thought that I might be able to salvage them somehow. Originally I had decided to replace the velcro tabs. But as I was reading online I found a whole slew of mothers replacing their velcro for snap closures. That was an idea I could get on board with. I'm not going to give a full tutorial on how to do it on this blog (for the full set of directions click this link) since there are tons of other blogs with better directions. I will show some pictures and give my thoughts on the process though!
My supplies: scissors and a small paring knife for taking off the velcro, a pen for marking where I wanted the snaps, an awl (with the green handle), snap pliers, and snaps. The snap pliers, awl, and snaps are all Babyville Boutique brand from Hobby Lobby. Using 2 40% off coupons I was able to buy all supplies for about $20.
My de-velcro'd diaper...
My make-shift guide and marked diaper...
And 2 of the 4 completed diapers. I ended up doing 2 different snap patterns. Originally I started by doing a line of closure at the top and then a hip snap too. I switched over to two full lines because it was SO MUCH EASIER. Honestly I haven't noticed much difference in useability now that they are done.
And my thoughts on this project? I am really, really glad to have re-purposed these diapers so that we can begin using them again. BUT for the money I spent ($20 plus gas to the store), time (about 4 hours total), and the physical pain of doing it (maybe I'm a wuss but a week later my left hand it still really hurting from this project) it is SO not worth doing yourself. These gals on Etsy will do it for about $4 per diaper...which would have been cheaper financially and I wouldn't have had to go through the hassle of doing it myself. So if you're thinking of taking on this project - JUST HIRE IT OUT!!!!