October 19, 2015

Feeling beyond blessed - our house is under contract!

In my last house selling post I said that we bought a house and were getting closer to listing our house.  Last Monday the photographer came and photographed the house and Thursday the house was listed (it went live at midnight).  Going into Monday we were REALLY stressing and workin' our behinds off trying to finish up a huge to-do list of things we wanted to get done in preparation to list.  We've been working for a few months on listing-related stuff but the last 2 weeks were INTENSE.  Chris took a week off of work and he drove us into the ground making sure we got as much done as we possibly could.  Needless to say it was not a relaxing week.  Before the photos on Monday I took the kids to my in-laws house and rushed back home for my cousin, who was visiting, and I to quickly rake, sweep and do any last minute touch up we could think of before the photographs were taken.  The next few days were spent making sure nothing in the house got messed up.  We wanted to make sure that once we listed we were ready for showings as soon as we got the call.  We just hoped and prayed (and prayed some more) that the right buyer would find us quickly so we didn't have to live in a 'showing ready' state for long.

Fast forward to Thursday morning.  Chris is in Tampa (which FYI is A LONG way from where we live) at a work conference.  I roll over and check my Realtor app to see if our listing is live.  It is and I text it to Chris.  The listing looks and reads great.  We exchange a few texts about how nervous we are and about how much we hope all of the work was worth it.  The boys and I puttered around most of the day trying to stay out of the house to keep it clean when shortly after nap I get the text message asking for a showing for 4:30 that evening.  I respond 'YES!' to the text.  I highly doubt that the messaging service appreciates the '!' but I don't care - I'm excited!  Over the next 2 hours we get 2 more showing requests for that evening!  I spend nap time vacuuming, re-straightening, and re-wiping everything I can for the showings that evening.  Then I wake up the boys, get them in the car and we head to my parents house for the evening.

While eating dinner at my parents house our realtor calls.  She says that there is an offer and wants to know if we can conference Chris in on the call so she can go over it with us at the same time (remember, he's in Tampa).  We finally get the connection straightened out and she tells us that the offer is a bit OVER the asking price and that they want to close the same day we are set to take possession of our new house!  YOU GUYS!!!  I can't even begin to describe how relieved we were to get that call.  The buyers were in our house something like 10 minutes when their realtor called and said not to accept any offers until they saw ours - I wonder if they had even looked at the whole house at that point?!  Here we are taking a week and a half and seeing our new house twice before making an offer and this guy walks in and in TEN MINUTES makes an offer for over asking price.  Awesome and hilarious.

Sooooo, right now we have finished the inspection on our new house and all of that has been worked out with the sellers and the inspection on this house happens on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed it goes smooth!  There are so many words about this situation that are fitting - though none of them fully encapsulate the experience.  We were so torn and apprehensive about listing our house and the idea of moving.  We LOVE this house.  This has been a great home for us and we've been happy here.  I think we both worried that the selling would be hard and intense and stressful and frustrating and that there wouldn't be another house that would make us as happy as we'd been here and that when it was all said and done we would regret leaving our home.  Right now, we'll see in 6 weeks when we move, it feels completely the opposite.  The people we are buying our new house from have been WONDERFUL to work with.  I'm not sure exactly why (I've not even met them, though Chris was able to) but I feel so welcomed into our new house already.  And the fact that our house went under contract in 17 hours - still feels crazy to say that - feels like SUCH A BLESSING.  So yeah, we are feeling great about the whole situation.  Which is a pretty far cry from where we were 2 months ago.

I have so many thoughts about this process and the new house but for right now I'm going to wrap up.  This is already probably about 2,000 words or something.  But I can't end without giving all the glory to the One above.  This situation has felt so expertly and wonderfully arranged that neither of us has any doubts that we are being provided for right now.

Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

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